The British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA) was formed to campaign for recognition and restitution of our Servicemen who participated in the British Nuclear Tests.

The organisation has evolved over the years to share knowledge and heritage with people from all walks of life. The descendants of these unique servicemen continue the fight for recognition.

We now link across the world with other Atomic organisations, including America, France, Australia, Fiji, Christmas Island and New Zealand.

The indigenous population of the islands where these tests took place should not be forgotten. Many were displaced and their land contaminated.

The British Nuclear Testing Programme ran between 1952 and 1991, it was the largest Tri-Service operation since the D-Day landings. Over 22,000 servicemen participated in the Weapons Tests. The tests were carried out at Montebello, Emu Field, Maralinga, Christmas Island and Nevada. British forces also participated in the American ‘Operation Dominic’ series of tests.

We believe that there are approximately 1500 service personnel alive today who witnessed the tests. The Merchant Navy and civilian personnel were heavily involved.